When you sign up for SpamArmor AntiSpam Service, the primary email address on file or the one used in the order form will be assigned as the domain administrator for the service. The domain administrator of the account has access to the domain level black/whitelists, domain level reporting history and access to all the quarantined items for the domain. The domain administrator can also specify unique filter settings for indivudual users. You can click the '?' found in the top right corner of every window in the SpamArmor interface for additional information on the topic displayed.
1. Go to URL antispam01.netsonic.net
A login screen for the anti spam service will appear. Login using your current primary email address and password.
2. The domain administrator will have the option to log in as a user or as the administrator. Select administrator. Once logged in, the domain administrator can impersonate any user. Note: If the 'choose role' window does not appear, simply go to the top right corner and next to the word: role, you can choose the domain administrator or user role setting.
3. After logging in as the administrator, the system dashboard will appear on the page. The dashboard provides an overview of the antispam system at a glance.
4. Clicking the Anti-Spam Engine tab and selecting User Policies allows you to set unique policies for individual users or for the entire domain. Perhaps, you want to set the spam threshold score higher or lower or you want to enable daily quarantine reports. This is also where you can specify the period of time that archived mail will be stored for, so that users can review and tag mail that may have gotten past the spam filters. Archived mail is viewable as the user in the reports tab.
5. Once you have setup the main domain policies, you can easily swap between your Domain Administrative account to your personal User account by clicking on your current role at the top right corner of the interface.
6. When you click on your current role, a list will appear and you can select the role you want to view in the interface.